이 포스트는 http://jekyll-windows.juthilo.com/ 를 참고 하였습니다.
Install Ruby and Ruby DevKit
다운로드 ruby v2.3.3 and devKit.
Jekyll has some dependencies which, out of the box, only provide raw source code. To make them into fully functional executables, you’ll probably need to install the Development Kit.
The download is a self-extracting archive. extract to C:\RubyDevKit
cmd 창에서
cd C:\RubyDevKit
ruby dk.rb init
init 후 C:\RubyDevKit\config.yml
파일에 아래 내용을 삽입한다.
- C:/Ruby23-x64
install the devKit
ruby dk.rb install
Gem Proxy Setting and strict ssl false
파일을 열어 아래 내용처럼 수정한다.
:backtrace: false
:bulk_threshold: 1000
- https://rubygems.org/
:update_sources: true
:verbose: true
:ssl_verify_mode: 0
benchmark: false
gem: "--no-ri --no-rdoc --no-document --suggestions"
http-proxy: http://address:port
https proxy는 윈도우 환경변수에 등록시켜 준다.
set HTTPS_PROXY=https://address:port
Gem update and clean up
gem update && gem cleanup
It is generally encouraged to keep your Gems updated
Install jekyll
The latest version of Jekyll at the time of writing is v2.4.0, which is compatible with Windows. Most of the previous versions are, too. Do not attempt to install Jekyll v1.4.3, though, which is known to be incompatible with Windows.
Check back here when a new version of Jekyll is released to find out if it remains compatible with Windows.
gem install jekyll
$ jekyll -v
jekyll 3.7.0
gem install jekyll-sitemap
gem install jekyll-feed
gem install jekyll-paginate